mdtest is a simple I/O benchmarking tool that is now a part of the IOR suite of tools that issues a highly concurrent stream of metadata operations to a storage system. It is designed to demonstrate the peak rate at which a file system is able to service operations including mkdir, stat, rmdir, creat, open, close, and unlink.

When interpreting mdtest results, it is critical to realize that the peak overall capability of a file system's metadata subsystem is not the sum of each metadata operation's peak rate. This makes understanding metadata capability more difficult because

  1. there are many more types of metadata operations (open, close, stat, unlink, ...) than data operations (read and write), and
  2. the relative costs to service these metadata operations can vary widely (e.g., the CPU and disk overhead of an unlink vs. a stat)

mdtest Basics

The simplest possible mdtest run looks something like this:

mpirun -n 2 mdtest -n 10

which will result in output that looks like this:

SUMMARY rate: (of 1 iterations)
   Operation                     Max            Min           Mean        Std Dev
   ---------                     ---            ---           ----        -------
   Directory creation          13936.880      13936.880      13936.880          0.000
   Directory stat              58661.594      58661.594      58661.594          0.000
   Directory rename            24125.994      24125.994      24125.994          0.000
   Directory removal           20365.642      20365.642      20365.642          0.000
   File creation               24392.579      24392.579      24392.579          0.000
   File stat                   50747.780      50747.780      50747.780          0.000
   File read                   36759.895      36759.895      36759.895          0.000
   File removal                50261.282      50261.282      50261.282          0.000
   Tree creation                2673.234       2673.234       2673.234          0.000
   Tree removal                 6168.094       6168.094       6168.094          0.000

From these results, we can see that mdtest runs in several phases:

  1. Tree creation - create the directory structure in which subsequent tests will be run (the "tree")
  2. Directory tests - test how fast directories can be created/statted/renamed/destroyed
  3. File tests - test how fast files can be created/statted/read/destroyed
  4. Tree removal - remove the directory structure (the tree)

The directory test phase and file test phase are comprised of individual steps, and each step and phase are surrounded by barriers.

Test Phases in Detail

Let's walk through exactly what happens when you run the simplest case:

mpirun -n 2 mdtest -n 10

First, mdtest creates the test directory in which all tests for the current iteration will run as:

mkdir ./out/test-dir.0-0

The time it takes for this to happen is not reported by mdtest.

Tree Creation

The tree creation test measures how long it takes to recursively create the test's directory tree structure. In our case, only a single tree with a base directory is created:

mkdir ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/

Note that the tree creation is always performed by rank 0, not in parallel.

Directory Tests

mdtest then performs a series of directory tests.

First is the directory creation step which creates ten new directories for each MPI rank (since we specified -n 10):

mkdir ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.0
mkdir ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.0
mkdir ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.9
mkdir ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.9

Each directory is named dir.mdtest.X.Y where X is the MPI rank that created the directory and Y ranges from 0 to -n minus one.

Then the directory stat step calls stat(2) on these twenty directories:

stat ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.0
stat ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.0
stat ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.9
stat ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.9

The MPI rank that created the directory is also the one that stats it here, but we can control this behavior using the -N argument later.

The directory rename step follows and calls rename(2) on each of the twenty directories:

rename ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.0 ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.0-XX
rename ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.0 ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.0-XX
rename ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.1 ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.0
rename ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.1 ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.0
rename ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.8 ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.7
rename ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.8 ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.7
rename ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.0-XX ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.8
rename ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.0-XX ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.8

The final step is the directory removal step which unlinks all twenty directories:

rmdir ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.0
rmdir ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.0
rmdir ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.0.9
rmdir ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/dir.mdtest.1.9

File Tests

The file tests then commence in the same tree as the directory tests above. Notice that these file tests create file.mdtest.X.Y whereas the directory tests created inodes called dir.mdtest.X.Y. The X and Y have the same meaning in file tests as the directory tests above, and the tree (mdtest_tree.0) remains untouched between these phases.

First is the file creation step. Ten files per MPI rank are opened with O_CREAT, then closed:

open ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.0.0
close /data/out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.0.0
open ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.1.0
close /data/out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.1.0
open ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.0.9
close /data/out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.0.9
open ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.1.9
close /data/out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.1.9

There are no barriers between these opens and closes, and mdtest has an option (-w) that would let us optionally write some bytes to each of these files between each open and close. As such, the "file creation" can be thought of as the rate at which a storage system can create files of an arbitrary size. By default nothing is written (-w 0 is implicit), so 0-byte files are created in this example.

Next is the file stat step where stat(2) is called on each file:

stat ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.0.0
stat ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.1.0
stat ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.0.9
stat ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.1.9

The file read step follows and each file is opened and closed again.

open ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.0.0
open ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.1.0
close /data/out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.0.0
close /data/out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.1.0
open ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.0.9
open ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.1.9
close /data/out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.0.9
close /data/out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.1.9

If we had written data to these files during the file creation step, we could have optionally read that data back out here using the -e parameter. Since we didn't specify either -w or -e though, the timing reported is just the time it takes to open each file, do nothing, then close it.

Finally, the file removal step unlinks each file created in this phase.

unlink ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.0.0
unlink ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/file.mdtest.0.9

Tree Removal

Once both file and directory tests are finished, the tree itself is cleaned up:

rmdir ./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/

We only had one directory as our tree, but trees can get more complicated as we'll see below. And as with tree creation, tree removal is serial and always performed by rank 0.

Once this final phase is complete, the test directory for this iteration is cleaned up:

rmdir ./out/test-dir.0-0

The time it takes for this to happen is not reported by mdtest.

Selecting Phases and Steps

You can also choose to run a subset of the phases and steps above.

Phase Selection

The tree tests (Tree Creation and Tree Removal) always run since file and directory tests must run within a tree.

  • -F runs only file tests and omits directory tests.
  • -D runs only directory tests and omits file tests.

The default is both -D -F.

Step Selection

You can also run a subset of test steps (create, stat, and removal) within each phase. If you specify one or more test steps, the others are disabled and will just report rates of 0.0000.

  • -C runs only creation steps for each phase
  • -T runs only stat steps for each phase. If used without -C, you will get a bunch of warnings about failed stat commands because there are no files or directories to stat.
  • -E runs only the read step for the file test phase (mdtest doesn't implement any notion of 'reading' a directory). If used without -C, you will crash out since there are no files to read.
  • -r runs only removal steps for each phase. If used without -C, you will get a bunch of warnings about failed stat commands because there are no files or directories to stat.

You can mix and match these options to do things such as

mpirun -n 2 mdtest -F -C -n 10

which will only test file creation rates. It will also leave behind a bunch of files in ./out which you can inspect.

Configuring the Tree

In our simple sample, the Tree Creation phase seemed pretty trivial because it only created a single directory. However you can make mdtest spread our ten files across multiple directories using a couple different methods.

Depth (-z)

The depth parameter (-z) controls how many subdirectories should be nested below the base of our tree. The default is 0, meaning all files/dirs are created in the tree base (./out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/). Setting this to -z 1 results in the following tree:

  • out/test-dir.0-0
    • mdtest_tree.0
      • mdtest_tree.1

and -z 3 results in the following:

  • out/test-dir.0-0/
    • mdtest_tree.0/
      • mdtest_tree.1/
        • mdtest_tree.2/
          • mdtest_tree.3/

Files/directories then get evenly spread across all four of these tree levels. So if we do

mpirun -n 2 mdtest -F -C -z 3 -n 20

We will get the following:

  • out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/
    • ten files: file.mdtest.0.0 through file.mdtest.1.4
    • one directory:mdtest_tree.1/
      • ten files: file.mdtest.0.5 through file.mdtest.1.9
      • one directory: mdtest_tree.2/
        • ten files: file.mdtest.0.10 through file.mdtest.1.14
        • one directory: mdtest_tree.3/
          • ten files: file.mdtest.0.15 through file.mdtest.1.19

We created three nested directories under the root of our tree (-z 3) and a total of forty files (-n 20 and two MPI processes) broken into groups of ten (five per MPI rank) evenly spread across four directories (our tree base plus -z 3).

If you specify a number of items (-n) that is not evenly divisible depth + 1 (-z + 1), the number of items will be rounded down so that every directory contains an identical number of items.

Branching Factor (-b)

The above example creates a very skinny tree, but we can create more branches for each level of the tree by specifying a branching factor using -b. The default is -b 1, but if we set it to -b 2:

mpirun -n 2 mdtest -F -C -z 3 -b 2 -n 20

we get a tree that looks like

  • out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/
    • mdtest_tree.1/
      • mdtest_tree.3/
        • mdtest_tree.7/
        • mdtest_tree.8/
      • mdtest_tree.4/
        • mdtest_tree.9/
        • mdtest_tree.10/
    • mdtest_tree.2/
      • mdtest_tree.5/
        • mdtest_tree.11/
        • mdtest_tree.12/
      • mdtest_tree.6/
        • mdtest_tree.13/
        • mdtest_tree.14/

So at each of our three levels of depth (-z 3), we now have two branches (-b 2) and, as before, the number of items (-n) are evenly spread across everything and rounded down to ensure that every directory contains the same number of items. In the above case with -n 20, our tree is so heavily branched that we can only create two files (one per MPI rank) in each directory of our tree.

Once you have decided on a suitable tree, the number of items should be a multiple of depth × branching factor

Leaf-only Mode (-L)

If you'd rather only create files/directories in the outermost level of the tree rather than at every level, use the -L parameter.

mpirun -n 2 mdtest -F -C -z 3 -b 2 -L -n 20

This results in the same tree structure as above, but it spreads the files as

  • out/test-dir.0-0/mdtest_tree.0/
    • mdtest_tree.1/
      • mdtest_tree.3/
        • mdtest_tree.7/
          • file.mdtest.0.14 and file.mdtest.1.14
          • file.mdtest.0.15 and file.mdtest.1.15
        • mdtest_tree.8/
          • file.mdtest.0.16 and file.mdtest.1.16
          • file.mdtest.0.17 and file.mdtest.1.17
      • mdtest_tree.4/
        • mdtest_tree.9/
          • file.mdtest.0.18 and file.mdtest.0.19
          • file.mdtest.0.19 and file.mdtest.1.19
        • mdtest_tree.10/
          • file.mdtest.0.20 and file.mdtest.1.20
          • file.mdtest.0.21 and file.mdtest.1.21
    • mdtest_tree.2/
      • mdtest_tree.5/
        • mdtest_tree.11/
          • file.mdtest.0.22 and file.mdtest.1.22
          • file.mdtest.0.23 and file.mdtest.1.23
        • mdtest_tree.12/
          • file.mdtest.0.24 and file.mdtest.1.24
          • file.mdtest.0.25 and file.mdtest.1.25
      • mdtest_tree.6/
        • mdtest_tree.13/
          • file.mdtest.0.26 and file.mdtest.1.26
          • file.mdtest.0.27 and file.mdtest.1.27
        • mdtest_tree.14/
          • file.mdtest.0.28 and file.mdtest.1.28
          • file.mdtest.0.29 and file.mdtest.1.29

Again, our request for twenty items (-n 20) was rounded down to sixteen per MPI process so that each leaf node would get the same number of files.

Example Configurations

Here are some example mdtest configurations drawn from real-world use cases that I've come across.


The IO500 benchmark contains several mdtest runs.

mdtest-hard does

Option Purpose
-n # create # files/dirs per MPI process
-F only perform file tests
-P print both metadata rate and raw timings
-N 1 do not read (-e) from the same node that wrote (-w)
-d X run test in directory X
-x X save stonewall progress from create phase to file named X
-t "time unique working directory overhead" (what does this mean?)
-w 3901 write 3901 bytes to the file after it is created
-e 3901 read 3901 bytes from each file after it is created

All parts of the mdtest-easy test do

Option Purpose
-n # create X files/dirs per MPI process
-F only perform file tests
-P print both metadata rate and raw timings
-N 1 do not read (-e) from the same node that wrote (-w)
-d X run test in directory X
-x X save stonewall progress from create phase to file named X
-u each MPI process gets its own directory
-L only create files in leaf directories

And the following arguments are appended to run the different phases of mdtest-easy:

Phase Extra Args Purpose
mdtest-easy-write -C -Y -W # run create step, sync after every phase, and stonewall for # seconds
mdtest-easy-stat -T run stat step
mdtest-easy-delete -r run removal step

NERSC Acceptance Tests

The following tests were run on NERSC's Cori system as part of its file system acceptance. These arguments were used with a much older version of mdtest (1.8.3) but the functionality is mostly the same.

The biggest exception is -N 1 vs. -N 32! In older mdtest version, -N 32 meant "offset each step by 32 MPI processes." This mean that if you were running with 32 processes per node, the rank that statted a file would be on a different node than the rank that created it if your resource manager mapped MPI processes to nodes contiguously. However in newer versions, mdtest will detect if your MPI ranks are mapped contiguously or round-robin and do the right thing, effectively making this parameter now mean "offset each step by 1 compute node" for -N 1.

Testing multiple files in a single directory:

Option Purpose
-n 20 create 20 files/dirs per MPI process
-i 3 run each test three times
-F only perform file tests
-C run create step
-T run stat step
-r run removal step
-N 32 files created by rank X are statted by rank X + 32
-v increase verbosity

Testing multiple files in multiple directories. Note that multiple output directories were specified here to allow one mdtest run to exercise multiple metadata servers configured using Lustre DNE Phase 1 (remote directories):

Option Purpose
-n 20 create 20 files/dirs per MPI process
-i 2 run each test twice
-F only perform file tests
-C run create step
-T run stat step
-r run removal step
-u each MPI process gets its own directory
-v increase verbosity
-d ... specify multiple output directories

The exact argument specified for the -d option was:

-d $SCRATCH/mdt0/d1@$SCRATCH/mdt1/d2@$SCRATCH/mdt0/d3@$SCRATCH/mdt2/d4@$SCRATCH/mdt0/d5@$SCRATCH/mdt3/d6@$SCRATCH/mdt0/d7@$SCRATCH/mdt4/d8

Testing a single file in a single directory. This test measured how well access to a single file performed by creating a file and then statting it using thousands of compute nodes.

Option Purpose
-n 1 create one file per MPI process
-S use shared-file access (create one file, stat it with all ranks, then remove it)
-i 3 run each test three times
-F only perform file tests
-C run create step
-T run stat step
-r run removal step
-N 32 files created by rank X are statted by rank X + 32
-v increase verbosity

This is a strange run because the only meaningful metric is the file stat rate; the other phases (create/removal) reflect rank 0 creating and removing the single shared file.